sobota, 11. julij 2015

Miniature book, polymer clay

As I said, here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a miniature book from polymer clay.
Kot rečeno, tu je prikaz korak za korakom kako narediti miniaturno knjigico iz polimerne gline.

The list of basic supplies/ osnovne stvari, ki jih potrebujete:
- white polymer clay/bela polimerna glina
- any other color of pc (polymer clay)/katerakoli druga barva polimerne gline
- tin foil/ alu folija
- dry pastels/suhi pasteli
- eye pin/žička

1. You start with conditioning the white clay on the thickest setting of the pasta machine, or roll it by hand, then putting two layers on top of each other, depending on how big you want the book to be and you cut out the square. Don't  worry if clay gets a bit dirty, you will cover it later with pastels.

Začnete z gnetenjem mase na najdebelejši nastavitvi strojčka ali pa razvaljate ročno, potem položite dve plasti eno na drugo in izrečete pravokotnik. Če se vam v maso ujamejo mucke od oblačil nikar ne skrbite, ker boste kasneje vse prekrili s pasteli.

2.  Now you take another color of clay for book cover, any color you desire and roll it to aproximately 1mm of thickness, then you put on the white pc square and cut out the shape of a book cover. After the shape is cut, you roll it over so it covers both sides of the white clay.

Zdaj vzamete drugo barvo polimerne gline, jo razvaljate na približno 1mm debeline in izrežete obliko knjižne platnice. Ko je oblika izrezana z njo prekrijete še drugo stran.

3. The texture of a book could be made before I have cut it out, but it's ok to be done now too. Simply tap with wrinkled tin foil on pc and texture it as much as you want.

Platnico bi lahko teksturirala preden sem jo izrezala ampak nič hudega, če se jo zdaj. Alu folijo zmečkate in tapkate po polimerni glini dokler ne dobite želenega rezultata.

4. And now the pages. You take your blade and make shallow cuts into the white clay on all three sides of the book making sure they are more or less parralel.

Knjižne liste naredite z olfa nožkom in sicer tako da naredite vzporedne reze na vseh treh straneh knjige.

5. It's time for some pastels. I chose light brown, you can choose a darker tone, you can even cover it with acrylics and then wipe off the excess color with some baby wipes and create an aging look. It's up to you. Now add the eye pin.

Zdaj je čas za suhe pastele. Izbrala sem svetlo rjavo barvo ampak ni nič narobe če se uporabi tudi temnejša. Uporabijo se lahko tudi akrilne barve, ki jih potem hitro pobrišete z vlažnim robčkom iz površine ter s tem ustvarite starinski izgled. Po tem, ali pred tem, ko ste pobarvali liste s pasteli, dodajte žičko.

6. And now the fun part. The embellishments. Here you can let your imagination run wild and add whatever suits you. Make sure to glue it with some liquid polymer clay. After you are done decorating it, bake it for about 20 minutes on 120 degrees, add a key chain and you are done. Of course if you prefer not to have it as key chain it's ok too, you can also skip adding the eye pin and just use the litle book as a decoration.

In zdaj najbolj zabaven del kjer lahko pustite domišljiji prosto pot. Karkoli dodate pa prej prilepite s tekočo polimerno glino.  Ko končate z dodatki, položite v pečico ogreto na 120 stopinj za 20 minut in spečite. Dodajte obesek za ključe. Lahko pa knjgico uporabite kar tako za okrasek, ni nujno iz tega narediti ravno obeska.

And this is it. I hope you make a lot of cute little books, it's really fun making them.

In to je to. Upam, da naredite veliko luštkanih malih knjigic, ker jih je res zabavno izdelovati.

sreda, 8. julij 2015

Little books for great friends. And since they all seemed to like them so much, I will make some more and add a step by step tutorial. Soon... :)

Male knjigice za dobre prijatelje. In ker so vsem bile tako zelo všeč, jih bom naredila še nekaj več ter objavila postopek izdelave. Kmalu ...